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Patient Portal

For over 45 Years COCVAC has provided prompt and professional medical care in both emergency and non-emergency settings.  As the nature of EMS and medical care changes we are committed to ensuring open communication with our patients and value your feedback. Please take the time to read through the following information regarding our responses, billing, and patient privacy. If you have any questions please feel free to contact us.


Ambulance Billing

COCVAC bills based on the level of service you receive and mileage incurred to recoup the cost of operating expenses. The bulk of these expenses include ensuring ambulances are quickly available 24 hours a day, that the ambulances are properly supplied and maintained, and that the providers responding to your emergency are professionally trained and equipped with the ability to provide lifesaving treatments and care.


For information regarding COCVAC's Ambulance Service Bills please contact our Billing Office at 1-800-901-1155.

Form and stethoscope

Notification of Privacy Practices

We are committed to protecting your personal health information. We are required by law to maintain the privacy of health information that could reasonably be used to identify you, known as “protected health information” or “PHI.” We are also required by law to provide you with the attached detailed Notice of Privacy Practices (“Notice”) explaining our legal duties and privacy practices with respect to your PHI.  


Non-Emergent Medical Transport

Due to more patients striving to remain in their own homes non-emergent medical transport services have been on the rise. COCVAC is committed to assist our community in this endeavor and provides routine scheduled transportation to and from medical appointments, between medical facilities, and for a variety of other reasons.


Please be advised that approval must be attained from a participating insurance company prior to the patient being transferred by COCVAC.​​​ However, for most individuals, it is more cost efficient to utilize one of the many wheelchair van compaines within Oneida County.

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